Spring Breakout at Jones Park
Title: Spring Breakout at Jones Park
Location: Jones Park
Link out: Click here
Description: Monday through Friday, March 12-16
Monday, March 12: Wildflower Mud Pies, 10 a.m. Age-old childhood activity with a twist: Pack mud pies with wildflower seeds, let them dry and take home to plant in a sunny space. All ages.
Tuesday, March 13: Frogs, 10 a.m. Live specimen, slides, and recordings enliven a show about the world’s most numerous and diverse amphibian. All ages.
Wednesday, March 14: Homestead Hoedown, 1-3 p.m. Chance to see settler skills demonstrated in the park’s authentically re-created 1830s Texas homestead, and to partake in games the pioneer children played. All ages.
Thursday, March 15: Junior Angler, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Staffed skill stations are set up for fish identification, aquatic habitats, tackle, safety, ethics, knot tying and more. Ages 10-15. Reservations required beginning March 5.
Friday, March 16: Jr. Canoe Training, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. For young paddlers who would like to be able to accompany an adult on Jones Park’s quarterly canoe trips, this training session will give the basic skills and experience needed. Ages 10-15. Reservations begin March 5.
Start Date: 2012-03-12
End Date: 2012-03-16