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The Texas Watershed Steward Workshop

Title: The Texas Watershed Steward Workshop
Location: Galveston County AgriLife Extension offices in Carbide Park, La Marque at 4102 B Main St. (FM 519)
Link out: Click here
Description: The Texas Watershed Steward Workshop is a FREE one-day event to help residents in the watershed improve and protect water resources by getting involved in local watershed protection and management activities. The workshop will focus on water quality issues in Highland Bayou, as well as efforts by the Texas Coastal Watershed Program, Galveston Bay Estuary Program, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, and area residents to help improve the health of water resources in Galveston County. Bayous in the study area are known to have elevated levels of bacteria and low levels of oxygen. Continuing education credits will be available for professional engineers, certified planners, certified teachers, crop advisors, pesticides license holders, landscape architects, and certified floodplain managers. Workshop will be held at the Galveston County AgriLife Extension offices in Carbide Park, La Marque at 4102 B Main St. (FM 519) on February 22nd from 8am  4pm. More information at http://mokabayousalliance.org/ or Facebook.com/MoKaBayousAlliance. Agenda and pre-registration is available at http://tws.tamu.edu/workshops/online-registration or call 979-862-8070.
Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2012-02-22
End Time: 16:00

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