• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Transition Houston December Meeting/Potluck

Title: Transition Houston December Meeting/Potluck
Location: Green Building Resource Center, 1002 Washington Ave., Houston 77002
Link out: Click here
Description: Transition Houston has developed a tradition of holding a holiday potluck party for the December monthly meeting, and we aren’t breaking tradition this year!

We have a really excellent venue for this potluck, as we will be meeting at the *Green Building Resource Center *at the downtown end of Washington Ave. (near the Amtrak station). The GBRC is a fantastic place to learn about green building technologies, with lots of visual and hands-on displays of materials and systems ranging from the simple but effective to the advanced and highly efficient.

Please bring yourself, friends and/or family, and food to share–if you can also bring your own plates and utensils that would be helpful too, but not essential. We will have a short meeting to review our successes for the year, and talk generally about what folks would like to see happen during 2012.

*Cost:* Free
*Contact person for questions:* Mark at 832-655-5104
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-12-06
End Time: 21:00

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