• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Land Stewardship Workshop

Title: Land Stewardship WorkshopLocation: Kaufman County Library, 3790 S. Houston St. Link out: Click hereDescription: The workshop focuses on wildlife and habitat management in the Trinity River Basin as well as developing working relationships among neighbors in the basin seeking to conserve natural resources. Program topics will include wetland and wildlife management, ongoing conservation projects in the basin, financial assistance…

Land Stewardship Workshop

Title: Land Stewardship WorkshopLocation: Kaufman County Library, 3790 S. Houston St. Link out: Click hereDescription: The workshop focuses on wildlife and habitat management in the Trinity River Basin as well as developing working relationships among neighbors in the basin seeking to conserve natural resources. Program topics will include wetland and wildlife management, ongoing conservation projects in the basin, financial assistance…

The Talent Dividend Summit

Title: The Talent Dividend SummitLocation: University of Houston School of Education (214 Farish Hall, Kiva Room)Link out: Click hereDescription: The Center for Houston’s Future is convening The Talent Dividend Summit to kick off an ambitious national education initiative to increase the college graduation rate (both 2 year and 4 year) by at least 1% by 2013. Key business, education, and…

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