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ECONOTES 2011-06-01: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Nature Trail Developed for Visually Impaired (Gail Delaughter – KUHF News, 05/30/2011)
    The Houston Arboretum and Nature Center is working to finish the Palmetto Multisensory Trail, which allows visitors with limited or no eyesight the chance to learn about nature in a hands-on way. Information stations along the trail offer ways to experience the landscape through sound, smell, and touch.
  2. Think Texas is low on water now? Just wait till 2060 (Houston Chronicle, 05/28/2011)
    Texas’s coming water shortage is cause for concern. Recently, Representative Allan Ritter attempted to address this concern through regional plans, but he was not able to acquire the votes needed to implement them. Texas could do much to conserve water, as about 25% of the water is lost between the water tower and the tap. This can be changed by replacing elderly water mains.
  3. Lizard, W. Texas oil are both in danger (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 05/30/2011)
    The Dunes Sagebrush Lizard is disappearing from West Texas. The lizard could be put on the endangered species list, but that could harm the oil economy in those parts. The lizard has lost its habitat because of the oil and gas activity and cattle grazing.
