• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

2011 Gulf Coast Green Expo

Title: 2011 Gulf Coast Green ExpoLocation: United Way of Greater HoustonLink out: Click hereDescription: Geared toward attendees with an intermediate to high level of knowledge about building sustainability issues, GCG 2011 presentations will be relevant to the session tracks listed below: Details. Speakers in this track will explore the components of green buildings. This will be defined broadly, and may…

H-GAC Regional Storm Debris Management Assessment Workshop

Title: H-GAC Regional Storm Debris Management Assessment WorkshopLocation: Houston-Galveston Area Council, Room A, Second Floor 3555 Timmons, Houston, TX 77027Link out: Click hereDescription: There is no cost to attend this event, however registration is required. H-GAC is working to develop the 2011 Regional Storm Debris Management Assessment (RSDMA) Plan, an update to the 2003 RSDMA Plan. This workshop will present…

The Progressive Forum: Bill Moyers

Title: The Progressive Forum: Bill MoyersLocation: Wortham Center, Brown Theater Link out: Click hereDescription: Widely acclaimed as one of America’s most prolific and respected journalists, Bill Moyers has received every major media award for his life’s work, including over 30 Emmys from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He is especially known for his remarkable 40-year run on…

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