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ECONOTES 2011-05-25: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Water quality critical for food safety (Ron Smith – Southwest Farm Press, 05/20/2011)
    Food safety issues are more serious threats to the produce industry than damage from insects, plant diseases, and other pest problems. The most serious threat is the quality of the water used in irrigation. Surface water poses the greatest potential for contamination.
  2. TCEQ: Turning up refinery flares could fix Houston’s air (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 05/24/2011)
    A new study suggests that small changes in the use of open flames to burn off pressurized gases at oil refineries and chemical plants could help improve Houston’s air quality. These changes could have an especially great impact on Harris County, which is known as one of the nation’s smoggiest places.
  3. Filling Houston’s Food Gaps (Wendy Siegle – KUHF News, 05/18/2011)
    Houston has sixteen communities that are considered food deserts, which means grocery stores are in short supply. The city is now attempting to find a way to provide these communities with healthy food. Some of the suggestions include planting more community gardens and establishing co-ops.


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