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Big Thicket Mushroom Walk

Title: Big Thicket Mushroom Walk
Location: Big Thicket National Preserve
Link out: Click here
Description: A Mushroom Walk will be held in the Big Thicket National Preserve (BTNP) on Saturday, June 11, 2011. Participants, led by guides of the Gulf States Mycological Society (GSMS), will meet at 10:00 AM at the Big Thicket Field Research Station (FRS) located in Saratoga, Texas. The FRS is on the west side of FM 770 in the small town. It is marked with a brown, Park Service sign.

The group will foray into the nearby Lance Rosier Unit of the BTNP, near the Cypress Swamp on Teel Road, and collect and record species. This activity is part of the BTNP All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory (ATBI). The collections will be displayed, identified, and dried for deposit in an herbarium. This is an opportunity for the Society to contribute to the ATBI.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2011-06-11

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