• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Second Saturday Settlers: Spinning and Weaving

Title: Second Saturday Settlers: Spinning and WeavingLocation: Jones ParkLink out: Click hereDescription: Learn how plant and animal fibers are spun into thread and woven into fabrics while witnessing some 19th-century daily activities demonstrated by park volunteers and staff. Enjoy a day of settler life and become part of the fun!Start Time: 13:00Date: 2011-05-14End Time: 15:00

Eat This! Summer Campâ„¢

Title: Eat This! Summer Campâ„¢Location: 4400 Yupon (in the Montrose area)Link out: Click hereDescription: The Recipe for Success Foundation’s Eat This! Summer Campâ„¢ prepares children to become savvy food consumers. The camp is directed towards children ages 8 to 11 who will cook, garden and learn how food is developed and marketed to the American consumer. The camp is run…

Reduce & Restore Workshop

Title: Reduce & Restore WorkshopLocation: New Living, 6111 KirbyLink out: Click hereDescription: These two hours really could change your life! In a fun, personal setting, Kelly Blackstone and Allison Evans will talk about the latest information regarding toxins and what we can do to “lessen our load.” Research shows babies are born with over 200 toxins in their veins, passed…

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