• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

MyHouston 2040: Happy Hour

Title: MyHouston 2040: Happy HourLocation: Rudyard’s 2010 Waugh Drive, Houston TXLink out: Click hereDescription: Houston Tomorrow, Air Alliance Houston, and the Citizens’ Transportation Coalition agree that Houstonians can build a better Houston today by thinking about the Houston we may inherit in 2040 and the Houston we want in 2040. Each happy hour includes time for networking and socializing, a…

Hot Block on Holman

Title: Hot Block on HolmanLocation: 1400 block of Holman (b/w Austin and La Branch)Link out: Click hereDescription: Better Block Houston invites all community members to visit the intersection of Holman and LaBranch Streets in conjunction with Art in the Park at Elizabeth Baldwin Park and an art exhibit and play at the Community Artists’ Collective to experience the difference that…

Spring Valley Electronic Recycling

Title: Spring Valley Electronic RecyclingLocation: Valley Oaks Elementary School, 8390 Westview Drive in the Memorial areaLink out: Click hereDescription: Items that will be accepted include monitors, plasma and LCD televisions, laptop computers, printers, inkjet cartridges, speakers, cell phones, small kitchen appliances, hand tools and keyboards. For more information, email voe_recycles@me.com.Start Time: 10:00Date: 2011-04-30End Time: 15:00

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