• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Texas Coastal Expo

Title: Texas Coastal ExpoLocation: Moody Gardens in GalvestonLink out: Click hereDescription: The Texas General Land Office is proud to announce the second annual Texas Coastal Expo, a free family event promoting the economic and environmental importance of our beautiful Texas coast. The event will be held on Saturday, June 18th, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on the grounds of…

Spring Valley Electronic Recycling

Title: Spring Valley Electronic RecyclingLocation: Valley Oaks Elementary School, 8390 Westview Drive in the Memorial areaLink out: Click hereDescription: Items that will be accepted include monitors, plasma and LCD televisions, laptop computers, printers, inkjet cartridges, speakers, cell phones, small kitchen appliances, hand tools and keyboards. For more information, email voe_recycles@me.com.Start Time: 10:00Date: 2011-04-30End Time: 15:00

Webcast of TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting

Title: Webcast of TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting Location: Online WebcastLink out: Click hereDescription: TexasAdmin.com will offer live video webcasts of the TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting on April 6, 2011. Access this video webcast here. No Passcode Required: The video webcast does not require a passcode due to the support and assistance of the following sponsors: * Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle &…

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