• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

My Houston 2040 Meeting

Title: My Houston 2040 MeetingLocation: Rudyard’s Upstairs, 2010 Waugh DriveLink out: Click hereDescription: Catherine Burst, Houston Parks Board Utility Line Hike and Bike Trails & Complete Streets bills this Texas Legislative session Gina Mitteco, Houston – Galveston Area Council, Pedestrian-Bicyclist Coordinator My Houston 2040: Envisioning a regional Houston bike network for our future For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact…

Pollinators in the Big Thicket

Title: Pollinators in the Big ThicketLocation: Big Thicket National Preserve Visitor Center, US 69 and FM 420, eight miles north of Kountze.Link out: Click hereDescription: Do you know who pollinates the flowers in the Big Thicket? Join a park ranger on a fun hike on the Sundew Trail on Saturday, April 23, to explore the world of pollinators and their…

ABC-13’s Earth Day 2011 e-cycling drive

Title: ABC-13’s Earth Day 2011 e-cycling driveLocation: ABC-13 Studios, 3310 Bissonet, Houston, TXLink out: Click hereDescription: ABC-13’s Earth Day 2011 highlights traditional and non-traditional recycling opportunities. Celebrate Earth Day and start recycling today! Donate TVs (36″ or less), CPUs, monitors, keyboards, printers, fax machines, power cords, cell phones, telephones, and much more.Start Time: 06:00Date: 2011-04-15End Time: 12:00

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