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“Saving Family Lands: Land conservation, tax planning and financial strategies for landowners and their advisors”

Title: “Saving Family Lands: Land conservation, tax planning and financial strategies for landowners and their advisors”
Location: The Houstonian Hotel, 111 North Post Oak Lane, Houston, Texas 77024
Link out: Click here
Description: Texas’ farms, ranches and native wildlife habitats are disappearing at an alarming rate. All too often the culprit for the loss is estate taxes or rising land values. Join us for a series of events with Stephen J. Small, the nation’s leading authority on private land protection options and the resulting federal benefits and estate planning advantages. Mr. Small helped to write and implement the federal tax code sections that address conservation easements and how they may reduce federal tax burdens. Today he assists landowners and their advisors with ways to protect valued family lands, including preparing for the next generation of ownership.
Start Time: 13:30
Date: 2011-06-22
End Time: 17:30

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