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ECONOTES 2011-04-27: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. TCEQ issues new rules on Galveston Bay inflows (Matthew Tresaugue – Houston Chronicle, 04/20/2011)
    TCEQ has approved new rules that are designed to preserve flows from two rivers in order to protect Galveston Bay. Environmentalists are critical of these rules, stating that they will not provide the amount of fresh water to sustain the wildlife. A change in the bay’s mix of fresh and salt water could damage the ecosystem.
  2. City’s eco-achievements are mounting (Maggie Galehouse – Houston Chronicle, 04/21/2011)
    Houston’s mayor has been making efforts to get people outside. The city has recently made environmental accomplishments including building more community gardens, increasing recycling, and increasing energy efficiency.
  3. Gragg Building’s GREEN Preservation Reaps GOLD LEED Status (Guidry News, 04/22/2011)
    The U.S. Green Building Council has awarded Houston Parks and Recreation Department’s Gragg Building headquarters the Gold Level in LEED. The Gragg building was an older building that was retrofitted to meet green standards. Part of the renovations included re-using 100% of the original shell of the building and bringing natural light into its interior.


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