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ECONOTES 2011-03-30: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Green builders take root (David Kaplan – Houston Chronicle, 04/03/2011)
    The Houston home building community has started to embrace the green movement. Green homes can take into account energy efficiency, health and indoor air quality, use of recycled buildings, and more. These homes may initially cost more money to build, but they add up more than that through energy savings, durability, and resale value.
  2. Texas Lawmakers Discuss Controversial Groundwater Bill (Kate Galbraith – The Texas Tribune, 04/05/2011)
    The controversy concerning the ownership of in water below the land is still being discussed after a groundwater bill was passed last week by the Senate. The bill states that landowners have a “vested ownership interest” in the water below their land, but it is still subject to the state’s groundwater planning process. Environmental groups worry that this may allow landowners to bypass state-imposed groundwater limits.
  3. METRO Looking into Natural-Gas Powered Buses (Wendy Siegle – KUHF News, 03/31/2011)
    About one quarter of METRO’s 1250 buses are diesel-electric hybrids. Now the agency is considering alternative technology to work to lessen its impact on the environment. METRO is currently working on a study to determine the effectiveness of using compressed natural gas (CNG).
