Webcast of TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting
Title: Webcast of TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting
Location: Online Webcast
Link out: Click here
Description: TexasAdmin.com will offer live video webcasts of the TCEQ Commissioners’ Agenda Meeting on April 6, 2011. Access this video webcast here.
No Passcode Required:
The video webcast does not require a passcode due to the support and assistance of the following sponsors:
* Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C.
* Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C.
* Public Citizen
Key Agenda Items:
See the complete meeting agenda here .
Some of the key items to be discussed are as follows:
Proposals for Decision –
1. ALJ PFD and Order regarding application of the City of Patton Village for a new TPDES Permit
2. ALJ amended PFD, Supplement, and Order regarding application of HHJ, Inc., dba Decker Utilities to change its water and sewer rates/tariff
3. ALJ PFD and Order regarding application of Farmersville Investors, LP for proposed TPDES Permit
Hearing Requests/Requests for Reconsideration –
1. Application by PHW, EMW, AWB & EB Texas, LLC for a new proposed TPDES Permit
Authorization to Construct –
1. Application by H.E.B. Grocery Company, L.P. for Authorization to Construct the proposed facility expansion corresponding to the Interim II Phase of SJWTX, Inc.’s permit application
Miscellaneous Matters –
1. Contract designating service areas between the City of Lindale and Lindale Rural Water Supply Corporation, Smith County
TMDL Matters –
1. Fifteen Final TMDLs for Indicator Bacteria in Watersheds Upstream of Lake Houston
2. One TMDL for bacteria in the Guadalupe River Above Canyon Lake
State Implementation Plan –
1. Lead Transport SIP Revision for the 2008 Lead NAAQS
Start Time: 09:30
Date: 2011-04-06