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Make Soil, End Global Warming Panel Discussion

Title: Make Soil, End Global Warming Panel Discussion
Location: Herman Park Garden Center
Link out: Click here
Description: “We could end global warming if we restored the fertility in the soils in
the state of California.” said Dr. Elaine Ingham of Soil Food Web. Each year plants remove a quarter of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and turn it into carbohydrates. As creatures eat plants, half of this is quickly returned to the atmosphere. The other half
becomes soil organic matter which enriches soils and sequesters huge
amounts of carbon. Much of it is sequestered for more than 100 years
according to a more detailed UN grapic. But soil organic matter has long been declining due to what people do to land. Come to the discussion to learn more.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2011-02-14