Green is Mainstream – Building Codes, Energy Efficiency, and Best Practices in Green Building
Title: Green is Mainstream – Building Codes, Energy Efficiency, and Best Practices in Green Building
Location: 3300 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002
Link out: Click here
Description: Due to the great response from the first workshop, a repeat of the December
‘Green is Mainstream’ workshop is offered by the Energy Systems Laboratory and sponsored by the State Energy Conservation Office in partnership with the Texas Association of Builders. The speakers will cover the best practices in Green residential building and energy efficiency technologies, primarily intended for building officials, builders, suppliers, subcontractors, architects/engineers/residential designers, building trades’ instructors, students, apprentices, bankers, real-estate agents, and the general public. Each participant receives a course book containing more than 200 course slides and related green building information.
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2011-01-13
End Time: 18:45