• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Tomorrow is seeking Director of Development and Operations

Houston Tomorrow is seeking Director of Development and Operations to begin on January 1, 2011. Primary responsibilities include implementing the strategic goals and objectives of the organization ensuring consistency of activities with goals and timeliness of implementation, creating and managing budget, and ensuring revenue sources for implementation. Please reply to David Crossley at david.crossley@houstontomorrow.org. For more information, visit http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=eec237167293af5bc017cf80b&id=000c9de474&e=60efdc572d.

Mike Serant at Morning in the Country at the Blackwood Educational Land Institute

Title: Mike Serant at Morning in the Country at the Blackwood Educational Land InstituteLocation: Blackwood Educational Land InstituteLink out: Click hereDescription: Mike Serant will be featured at the event. He has been at the forefront of the conversion to Organics and can break it down very simply. Organics are simple; it’s common sense and recognition of sound nutrition. The use…

Bird Count – Buffalo Bayou

Title: Bird Count – Buffalo BayouLocation: The count circle is centered at the Houston Audubon’s Edith L. Moore SanctuaryLink out: Click hereDescription: There are two ways to participate: (1) Be a Field Observer – Join one of the teams in the field ($5 fee) (2) Be a Feeder/Yard Watcher – Because so much of the Buffalo Bayou CBC area is…