• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Transition Houston Holiday Dessert Party

Title: Transition Houston Holiday Dessert Party
Location: 7503 Croton Street, Houston 77036
Link out: Click here
Description: In lieu of our usual monthly meeting, our December Transition
Houston event is a Holiday Dessert Potluck. Bake, Make, or Bring–it doesn’t
matter if it is from your home, a farmers’ market, or from a store; we just
want to see you and visit! This will be a good opportunity for people who
would like to know more about Transition and meet our Transition Houston
community. The location for the party is the home where we held the October Permablitz/10-10-10 Work Party. So, as an added bonus, you can see what was accomplished then and what the homeowner has done since (a lot!).

Cost: Free (please bring dessert)
Contact person for registration: Mark at 832-655-5104
Start Time: 16:00
Date: 2010-12-18
End Time: 18:00