• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Coalition Notes 10-27-2010

  1. PrairieWorks at Warren Lake. PrairieWorks is being held this Friday, October 29, at Warren Lake so we can finish putting wildflowers in the ground before the dedication later this fall. You’ll get to spend some time outdoors, help KPC, and get a glimpse of our nearly-complete wildlife viewing platform. The event will take place from 9am to noon. Email info@katyprairie.org for more details.
  2. Fall 2010 Wind Alliance Conference. The conference, which includes prominent speakers, a guided tour of Sandia Lab and an opportunity to help refine critical solutions for our industry, will take place in Albuquerque, NM on November 3-4. John Pappas from Texas A&M Engineering will be among the among the speakers. For more information, visithttp://www.thewindalliance.org/John-Pappas.aspx.
  3. Transition Houston November Meeting. Transition Houston’s November meeting will have a focus on Permablitz, volunteer workdays to increase personal resilience through transformation of backyards for food and water using permaculture principles.  Transition Houston will recap the success of its 10-10-10 Global Work Day Permablitzes (Transition Houston and Clear Lake Transition Initiative) and discuss upcoming Permablitzes scheduled in November.  Share reports from Transition neighborhoods and other news of interest to the community as we journey towards resilience.  As always, the meeting will close with refreshments and conversation. November 1, 2010, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Urban Harvest. http://transitiontexas.ning.com/events/transition-houston-november
  4. Quality of Place Symposium – Save the Date! The Center for Houston’s Future will be releasing the 2010 regional ‘report card’ on three critical indicators: Water Quality, Water Supply, and Green Buildings at the symposium. The cost for individuals to attend is $50. For more information, visit http://www.centerforhoustonsfuture.org/.
  5. $3.75 Million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant for region. H-GAC, along with 24 consortium partners, recently received a $3.75 Million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant from US Department of Transportation, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the US Environmental Protection Agency. This grant is part of the DOT’s, HUD’s and EPA’s coordinated effort to promote sustainable communities through a $98 million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program and will be used to develop a regional plan for sustainability for the 13-County Gulf Coast Planning Region. More at http://www.h-gac.com/community/sustainability/press_release.aspx.
  6. Halloween Events. Halloween is this weekend and parks are putting on events. Here are a few: