• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Save the Date: Big Sit at KPC

Title: Save the Date: Big Sit at KPC
Event Link: Click here
Description: Big Sit on Saturday, October 10
On Sunday, October 10, KPC will participate in the annual Big Sit, an international, noncompetitive birding event coordinated by Bird Watcher’s Digest magazine. (See the Bird Watcher’s Digest Big Sit 2010 Home Page for more info about the national event.) Observers stay within a 17-foot diameter circle and count as many bird species as they can over the course of the day. KPC will set up its circle at the east end of our Manor Property.

We view this as a very social event, and to that end we have invited several other like-minded organizations to participate with us. We have divided the day into 5 time periods; volunteers in each the group, as well as KPC volunteers, will be assigned one of these periods during which they will be responsible for compiling a list of birds observed. KPC will manage at least one of the time periods (exact times still to be determined). We are soliciting KPC’s friends and volunteers to participate in the bird observation and to volunteer to help manage the event (e.g., greet and check in participants, be present with other organizations to be sure everything goes well, and answer any questions about KPC.

So note the date, and be on the lookout for an email with more info in the near future.
Date: 2010-10-10