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Piney Woods Wildlife Society Program: Photographers John and Gloria Jones

Title: Piney Woods Wildlife Society Program: Photographers John and Gloria Jones
Location: Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens located at 22306 Aldine Westfield
Description: The September 21 program of the Piney Woods Wildlife Society will feature well –known photographer and travelers John and Gloria Jones and their program about their Tanzania Photo Safari.

John and Gloria believe that there are few places in the world for wildlife photographers and those with a deep interest in nature that will compare to a safari in east Africa. To observe and photograph thousands of animals in their natural environment, interacting just as they have for thousands of years, is an intriguing experience that will always be remembered. Tanzania is probably the top single country in east Africa for a wildlife safari. It is a nation of warm friendly people who depend heavily on tourism. They devote 25 percent of their land to conservation and boast the highest concentration of animals anywhere in the world. Their trip was in February during the rainy season starting and ending at the Mt. Meru Game Lodge—noted for the birdlife and troops of monkeys that come to feed in the fruit trees and also at a time when most of the migrating animals are in this area. The next two weeks were spent in the famous parks across northern Tanzania—Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Serengeti, and the Ngorongoro Crater.

The public is invited to hear the Jones’ program on September 21 at the Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens located at 22306 Aldine Westfield beginning with a social time at 7 p.m. President Al Barr will open the meeting at 7:30 p.m. There is no charge. More information about the society is available at www.pineywoodswildlifesociety.org.

Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-09-21