• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Managing Volunteers: Quality over Quantity

Title: Managing Volunteers: Quality over QuantityLocation: ESCH office: 2630 Fountain View, Suite 428, Houston, TX 77057Description: Managing Volunteers: Quality over Quantity “The 3 R’s of Volunteerism”. A vital and crucial resource for most non-profits is their volunteers. How you get them (Recruit), use them effectively (Retain), and then show your sincere appreciation for them (Recognition) is of paramount importance. Come…

Strategic Planning: The Roadmap to Success

Title: Strategic Planning: The Roadmap to SuccessLocation: ESCH office: 2630 Fountain View, Suite 428, Houston, TX 77057Description: This seminar is an introduction to the planning process and is designed to help nonprofits determine if they need to develop a strategic plan. It answers basic questions about types of plans and the planning process. It explains how an ESCH consultant can…

My Houston 2040

Title: My Houston 2040 Location: Rudyard’s Upstairs 2010 Waugh Drive Event Link: Click here Description: A meeting of the minds co-hosted by Houston Tomorrow, Citizens’ Transportation Coalition, & Air Alliance Houston. Free and open to the public. Food and drinks available at bar. Speakers start at 5:30 pm Chris Barbic, YES Prep Natasha Kamrani, former HISD board member Start Time:…