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ECONOTES 2010-06-27: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Judge blocks White House ban on drilling (Jennifer A. Dlouhy – Houston Chronicle)
    The ban on deepwater drilling was struck down by a judge who reasoned that it would cause “irreparable harm to businesses.” If the ban were to stand, thousands of jobs along the Gulf Coast would be lost. There are new safety requirements for deep and shallow water drilling which must be met before any drilling can continue.
  2. Houston Residents Share Concerns about Tar Sands Pipeline, Refineries at Public Hearing (Guidry News)
    Some Houston residents have expressed their concern and disapproval of a  possible pipeline that would bring up to 700,000 barrels of heavy tar sands crude to the area. It could cause many damaging health effects for citizens and seems to be a step in the wrong direction as the nation tries to pursue clean energy.
  3. Young turtles swarm around oil spill (Harvey Rice – Houston Chronicle)
    Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are greatly affected by the oil spill. The oil is covering their nesting area and killing many. Young turtles like to head toward clusters of seaweed. Unfortunately, the oil is also drawn to the clusters of seaweed, which means a generation of hatchlings may soon be headed into the oil.
