• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Insectigators- kids 12 and up at Jones Park

Title: Insectigators- kids 12 and up at Jones ParkLocation: Jones Park, 20634 Kenswick Drive in HumbleEvent Link: Click hereDescription: Visitors ages 12 and up are invited to join “Team Insectigator” to help survey and record insects and other arthropods in Jones Park, although no collecting is permitted. Previous knowledge of entomology is not needed, and any person interested is encouraged…

Geocaching Scavenger Hunt at Jones Park

Title: Geocaching Scavenger Hunt at Jones ParkLocation: Jones Park, 20634 Kenswick Drive in HumbleEvent Link: Click hereDescription: Bring a GPS unit to celebrate National Trails Day by locating various features and items in the park. Visitors of all ages are invited and participants must bring their own GPS unit. Start Time: 10:00Date: 2010-06-05

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