• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Houston Electric Cars Corp

Title: Houston Electric Cars CorpLocation: Kirksey, 6909 Portwest Drive, HoustonDescription: The USGBC Emerging Professionals present: Houston Electric Cars Corp Mr. Rich Ehlrich of Houston Electric Car Corp. Top 10 Reasons to Buy an E-Car Now !! Please register!Start Time: 18:00Date: 2010-06-16End Time: 20:00

LID Design Challenge Retrospective

Title: LID Design Challenge RetrospectiveLocation: Texas Department of Transportation, District Headquarters 7600 Washington Avenue @ I-10 (free parking, use main drive with flags) Event Link: Click hereDescription: Please RSVP. Don’t miss your chance to take a look under the hood of the designs, hydrographic data and economic comparisons produced by the finalist teams in the recent HLWSF Low Impact Development…

The ABCs of Schools: Green Building to Create Supportive k-12 Learning Environments

Title: The ABCs of Schools: Green Building to Create Supportive k-12 Learning EnvironmentsEvent Link: Click hereDescription: This even is a Lunchtime Education-based Webcast:Education-based Webcasts are designed to provide a brief, very-specific educational experience. The purpose may be to provide timely coverage on a topic that is of immediate relevance. Webcasts are assumed to be low-cost and delivered via the web….

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