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ECONOTES 2010-04-21: Environmental Headlines for the Houston Region


  1. Better Check Those Trash Bags (Bill Stamps – KUHF News)

    The city of Houston will no longer pick up yard trimmings in normal
    black trash bags. Now residents must use compostable bags which will
    degrade in less than three months. This will keep more things out of
    the landfill, while earning the city some money as five dollars will be
    earned for every ton. A company will buy the yard trimmings and use
    them for compost.

  2. East End NeighborWoods Program Planted More Than 175 Trees (The Guidry News)

    Galveston Island suffered a very high tree mortality rate after
    Hurricane Ike. This weekend, volunteers decided to help the tree
    population by planting more than 175 trees along the streets of the
    East End Historical District where the property owners were willing to
    water and care for new trees.

  3. Corps: Wetlands on 3 acres of new stadium site (Rhiannon Meyers - The Galveston County Daily News)

    Galveston school district proposed to build a new football stadium, but
    three of the twenty proposed acres are wetlands. The wetlands help
    control flooding and protect the water quality of nearby bodies of
    water. There have been discussions of mitigating the land. Some think
    that this could be an opportunity to use the wetlands as part of an
    outdoor learning environment for students.
