• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

My Houston 2040–Co-hosted by Houston Tomorrow, GHASP, and Citizens’ Transportation Coalition

Title: My Houston 2040–Co-hosted by Houston Tomorrow, GHASP, and Citizens’ Transportation CoalitionLocation: Rudyard’s upstairs, 2010 Waugh Dr, Houston, 77006Link out: Click hereDescription: Join us for a brief cutting of the original ethnodramatic script “Houston Speaks” performed with local playwright Tifani Pust the the Air Theater Performance Troupe as they entertain forward thinkers of Houston.Start Time: 17:00 pmDate: 2010-04-08End Time: 19:00…

Root Ball 2010: La Noche de los Arboles- The Night of the Trees

Title: Root Ball 2010: La Noche de los Arboles- The Night of the TreesLocation: The Bayou ClubLink out: Click hereDescription: Trees For Houston’s spring fundraising event to help raise funds to fulfill our mission to plant, protect and promote trees along parkways, thoroughfares, neighborhoods and schools. Thursday, April 8th The Bayou Club Chairs: Lisa & Will Mathis and Sarah &…

Armand Bayou Blackstem Rendezvous

Title: Armand Bayou Blackstem RendezvousLocation: Armand Bayou Nature CenterLink out: Click hereDescription: Annual Armand Bayou Blackstem Rendezvous, Bring a pot luck dish, a guest, your favorite beverages and your hayriding clothes. Please bring your own washable plates and silverware to help us to minimize making trash. There will be a “pickin’ on the prairie” sing along, hayrides in the prairieand…

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