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Sierra Club at Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge

Title: Sierra Club at Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge
Link out: Click here
Description: Join the Sierra Club when they visit the Refuge for the 16th Annual Prairie Chicken Festival. A variety of tours will be offered during the two day event, including van tours, bird walking tours, native plant walking tours, and early morning tours to view the prairie chickens. The Refuge protects over 10,000 acres of endangered coastal prairie, one of the largest remnants of coastal prairie habitat remaining in southeast Texas and home to one of the last populations of the critically endangered Attwater’s prairie-chicken. Attractions for visitors are the five mile auto tour route, two walking trails, and a Visitor Center with bird collections.

The Refuge is located approximately 60 miles west of Houston, a little past Sealy, and south of I-10. Driving directions are available at the Refuge website. We’ll meet at the refuge at approximately 9 am, and the outing will last until 3pm or so. For full details and possible carpooling, contact Frank Blake, frankblake@juno.com or 713-528-2896.
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2010-04-11

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