• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Benchmarking Existing Building Performance Using LEED EB: O&M as a Framework

Title: Benchmarking Existing Building Performance Using LEED EB: O&M as a FrameworkLocation: TBDLink out: Click hereDescription: This program provides a methodology by which to cost effectively optimize existing building sustainability performance using the LEEDEB: O&M rating system. Participants will learn about the LEED EB: O&M Rating System and the process to benchmark current performance, identify and prioritize enhancement strategies and…

USGBC Workshop: LEED 2009: Managing the Transition

Title: USGBC Workshop: LEED 2009: Managing the Transition Location: TBDLink out: Click hereDescription: REGISTER NOW FOR LATEST INFORMATION & EDUCATION USGBC-Houston/Texas Gulf Coast is pleased to announce the addition of half-day workshops to meet the educational needs of the building industry. During the first half of 2010, we are offering two workshops that will give you the latest information on…

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