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Wear Blue For Oceans Day

Title: Wear Blue For Oceans Day
Link out: Click here
Description: Wear Blue For Oceans Day – Jan. 13, 2010. Please help the Gulf Restoration Network with a show of support for the President’s National Ocean Policy Task Force. The president’s goal is create a comprehensive ocean policy that protects, maintains, and restores our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes.
Currently, our ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources are managed by more than 20 federal agencies and administered through a web of more than 140 different and often conflicting laws and regulations. This complex legal system often results in inadequate management of public and private activities, such as pollution control, fishing and shipping. A strong national policy would help to untangle the regulatory jumble by guiding and coordinating the work of all government agencies and their activities affecting ocean resource management.
On June 12, 2009, President Obama created a 23-member Ocean Policy Task Force to develop a first ever National Policy for our oceans, coasts and Great Lakes. From August through November 2009 the Task Force hosted six public hearings around the nation (Alaska, the West Coast, the East Coast, the Pacific Islands, the Gulf Coast, and the Great Lakes) to gather public input on the need for a unifying National Policy for oceans, coasts and Great Lakes. Public support at all of these hearings was overwhelmingly positive and supportive. For more information, go to: http://www.whitehouse.gov website.
The Task Force’s final report to the President should be submitted near the end of January 2010, and they need to hear from you, so take action to Wear Blue on January 13th! If you or your organization is interested in participating, please contact Ellis Pickett, Texas Campaign Organizer, ellis@healthygulf.org, 713-906-3940, or http://www.wearblueforoceans.com
Date: 2010-01-13