• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Megaregions and MetroProsperity – Sustainable Economics for the Texas Triangle


Date: September 24-25

Time: 8:00am – 5:30pm

Contact: jay.crossley@houstontomorrow.org or register at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=186087

Complete Description:

Houston Tomorrow and America 2050 present this conference. The purposes of the conference:

Build support for a national infrastructure investment plan and establish knowledge of Megaregions by leaders in the metro areas of the Texas Triangle, which includes Houston, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Austin, and San Antonio.

Identify the major transportation, energy, and water infrastructure priorities in the Texas Triangle megaregion.

Seek common ground among regions in the Texas Triangle on programs and policies to meet core infrastructure challenges.

Explore emerging economic trends and strategies for sustainable prosperity in metro regions.

Create a framework for working toward a vision for sustainable prosperity in the Texas Triangle

The Texas Triangle Megaregion contains 5 of the 20 biggest cities in the US, and is home to more than 70% of all Texans. 10 million more people are expected to inhabit the Triangle in the next 40 years, a growth rate of more than 65%, leading to 78% of Texans living and working within the Texas Triangle. From a people point of view, the Triangle increasingly is Texas. How will we develop strategies for sustainable ways to develop a new transportation network, ensure economic competitiveness, reduce sprawl, and preserve natural resources and scenic landscapes? This conference will begin that discussion. They say decisions about public policy are made by the people who show up.
