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Galveston Ofrenda to the Gulf

The City of Galveston-sponsored “Revival and Reflections” Opening Ceremony and Torch Relay, set for Tuesday, Sept. 8, will be highlighted with the unveiling and dedication of the island’s very first ofrenda. This ceremony, unveiling, and dedication will be held at Fort Crockett Park, 4700 Seawall Blvd. in front of the 1900 Storm Sculpture, beginning at 5:30pm.  Mayor Lyda Ann Thomas will officiate. The ofrenda is a hand-crafted exhibit, made of metal in the form of a wave-like structure, designed to showcase individual “offerings” that will be hung/placed on the exhibit. These individual “offerings” – given in tribute or as a memorial to the Gulf of Mexico for all that it gives us and potentially takes away – will be especially significant as it reflect one’s personal loss and/or recovery from Hurricane Ike.  Karla Klay of Artist Boat is the artist and creator for the Offrenda. More at