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By Evelyn Merz, Houston Sierra Club

There will be a press conference and rally on Tuesday, March 27th on the south steps of the Capitol in Austin to call for Gov. Perry, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst, and Speaker Craddick to preserve and fund the Texas State Park System. We have three specific requests:

1. Drop the move in the House to transfer 25 state historic sites and part of the revenue from the sporting goods tax from Texas Parks & Wildlife to the Texas Historical Commission. This move is being driven by Speaker Tom Craddick at the behest of Historical Commission Chairman John L. Nau III, who has made significant political contributions to the current state leadership.

At the recent committee hearing to consider bills that would transfer the 25 historic sites, Nau was the only speaker in favor of the bill. One of those bills, HB12, links releasing the cap on sporting goods tax revenue to transferring historic sites away from the state park system. This move has had no public input, no economic evaluation, and ignores the recommendations of several studies.

2. Ensure that HB 6, which already has 126 sponsors, is allowed to come to the floor of the House for a vote and that the companion bill in the Senate, SB 252, comes to the floor for a vote.

3. Appropriate the funds needed to restore the Texas State Park System.

After the press conference and rally on the steps, delegations will deliver letters to Perry, Dewhurst, and Craddick. At about 2 pm, the House Committee on Culture, Recreation, & Tourism is expected to hold a hearing on House Bill 12. House Bill 12 must be stopped.

State park supporters should plan to gather no later than 9:45 AM near the South steps. Carrying signs is encouraged. Call Evelyn Merz with the Houston Sierra Club at (713) 644-8228 or Jan DeVault at (281) 793-9569 for more information about how to participate