National Wildlife Federation seeks Paid Peer Mentors

Earth Tomorrow (ET) is accepting applications for paid Peer Mentors to our Earth Tomorrow Summer Institute (ETSI) being held June 16-21 at the University of Houston. Earth Tomorrow is National Wildlife Federation’s longest standing environmental justice education program. Peer mentors play an important role during ETSI, serving as role models to participants and staff support throughout the week-long residential experience. To share a little bit about Earth Tomorrow Summer Institute and details pertinent to the available position—
The Earth Tomorrow Summer Institute is a week-long experiential program that pairs rising 10th to 12th grade students from frontline communities with leadership development and environmental justice education. A residential program at the University of Houston, participants will experience hands-on activities and fieldwork that place them directly with professionals, organizations, and locations that engage through the following educational elements — career development, civic engagement, connection to the land, educational tools and resources, and leadership development. Highlights this year include outdoor recreation activities such as fishing and canoeing/kayaking and an overnight campout at Huntsville State Park. At week’s end, participants will present on student action plans that they will take back to their school campuses. More information and history on Earth Tomorrow can be found through our story map.
Peer Mentors are college-aged adults who share a passion for environmental justice, conservation, and education. Earth Tomorrow Summer Institute is a great way for young adults to get hands-on experience with staff, mentors, and professionals who are committed to values that follow National Wildlife Federation’s vision and goals. After participation with ETSI, participants will receive an $850 stipend. The application can be found HERE, or included within the attached flyer. Additionally, opportunities for future internships, employment, and recommendations through a nationally recognized organization. Important dates for peer mentors include:
April 12 – Peer mentor application deadline
April 22-26 – Peer mentor selection
June 14-16 Peer mentor orientation (overnight) at the University of Houston
June 16-21 Earth Tomorrow Summer Institute (overnight) at the University of Houston