• 713-524-4CEC (4232)
  • info@cechouston.org

Texans for Clean Water » Environmental Resource Guide

The Environmental Resource Guide is a searchable, web-based resource that includes information about all organizations in the Greater Houston Area conducting environmental work. This guide is a one-stop-shop for any resources or connections you may need, and is updated often to ensure you have access to the newest information.

Scroll through the guide, view a list of all organizations, or view all categories of organizations below. At the very bottom of the page is an archive containing older versions of the printed guide available for download.

If you have any questions, would like to make edits to a current listing, or would like to add or remove an organizations, please reach out to us.

Photo of Texans for Clean Water

Texans for Clean Water

Work 1901 Lexington St. Houston TX 77098 Work Phone: (281) 783-9015 Website: Texans for Clean Water Website


Purpose: Texans for Clean Water is a coalition of business leaders and citizens who are committed to protecting the waterways. Through education, prevention and collaboration, we can eliminate floatable litter: including drink containers, polystyrene to-go containers and plastic bags, from Texas waterways. In doing so, we will generate economic prosperity and improve water quality for all Texans and Texas wildlife.

Programs: Speakers are available to talk about strategies to improve water quality by reducing, discarding, and appropriate alternatives to: plastic bags, polystyrene to go containers, and other AWAY FROM HOME packaging. Texans for Clean water also works to support municipal and statewide legislation to prevent land based litter from becoming marine debris.

Speakers:Contact-Mary Wood

Volunteers Opportunities: Help to spread the message that litter is a problem in Texas. What’s your favorite tool to get the word out? Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter?  Whatever it is, click here for our latest post on Facebook and relay it out to your audience.